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Get to know us

Who is Possability?

Possability has been a leading not-for-profit provider of disability services and supported accommodation for more than 30 years, and has a long history in Tasmania. Our name reflects our focus on individuals’ strengths and abilities, and the desire to inspire people to realise their potential.

Possability currently provides services to 1100 people with disability across Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland with a staff team of more than 1700 employees.

Our core focus is on supported accommodation and independent living options, centred on individual needs and wishes. We also provide Child and Youth Services, supported employment services, skills development and community participation.

Possability has operated in the NDIS since 2013 and draw on this NDIS expertise to help people with disability and staff navigate the complexities of the scheme and to get the best results for people with disability. We also have a commitment to provide Child and Youth Services where we can make a positive difference.

We value the skills and commitment of our staff and look forward to joining together with the Lifestyle Solutions team to deliver more services and even better services across Australia.


people we support




years experience



Our Vision

A world where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their potential.

Our Purpose

We are catalysts for change. Our actions are based on our belief that freedom and independence are fundamental human rights.

Our Values

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We bring our best to work every day and aim to bring out the best in others. We encourage people to take the lead and choose their own path.

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We believe in self-improvement and good practice. If there is a better way to do something, we will do it.


We listen, learn and act. We put people first, demonstrating compassion and understanding.

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We do the right thing and don’t give up when things get tough. We accept challenges and are a force for social change.


Elise's Story

Elise is loving life since moving into her new independent living unit in Southern Tasmania. Watch her story.

Our Support Approach

Possability is committed to ethical, respectful and safe practices. We have an unwavering commitment to human rights, and to encouraging and responding to choice and feedback at all levels.

Possability is internationally-recognised for our expertise in providing individualised services for people with disability, particularly those with high and complex support needs.

Our support approaches are based on demonstrated best practice that is proven to achieve positive outcomes for people with physical and intellectual disability. We have founded the Applied Research Centre for Disability and Wellbeing, in partnership with the University of Tasmania.


Liam's Story

Liam is taking the lead on more of the things he wants in life. Watch his story.

Quick links

Looking for something else?

There's plenty of information available on this site, let us help you find what you're looking for. 



Frequently asked questions about the merger.



Updates from the Integration Working Group.


What's on



People we support

Families and carers



Possability Group Ltd ABN 58 638 044 327

Tel. 1300 067 067 |

Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd ABN 85 097 999 347

Tel. 1800 634 748 |

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